TTGO ESP32 dev module
I got this very complete dev module from Banggood for review.TTGO ESP32 Development Module |
- ESP-WROOM-32 Module
(=Wifi, Bluetooth, two cores) - USB to serial bridge with Silicon Labs CP210X Chip
(supported by Windows and Linux) - Charge Circuit for an 18650 battery (backside of board)
- OLED display (SSD1306 or compatible) I2C version
- LED on GPIO16
- power switch
Notes from my experiments:
It was no problem getting the module to work with both the Arduino IDE and a generic ESP-32 developmnent environment (as provided by Espressif).I set up a dedicated virtual machine running Ununtu with VirtualBox under Windows 10.
For the setup I simply followed the instructions provided by Espressif.
Unlike on other ESP32 boards with OLEDs, the OLED's I2C SDA and SCL pins are connected as follows:
SCL - Pin 4
SDA - Pin 5
It does not require an "enable" signal on GPIO16 as suggested in some programs I found. So comment these out if you see them.
Power requirements
When I didn't have a battery inserted, my powered USB hub apparently could not provide enough power when I activated WiFi and the ESP32's brownout detection triggered.
I haven't investigated that further. Either my USB hub dies not provide enough power, or the board's regulator is too weak to handle the current.